Chin and Jawline Sculpting in Kensington and Chelsea

Having perfect angles and shape of their jaw and chin  is a goal of many patients. Read on to find out how dermal fillers can make a dramatic difference to your jawline, and your profile, at The Chelsea Skin Clinic.

Treatment Type


Results Last

6-12 Months



Treatment Time

45 Minutes

Treatment By

Dr Chiké


On Consultation

What is a chin and jawline filler?

A chin and jawline filler is a hyaluronic acid (HA) based dermal filler designed to create volume, define lines, and give definition to the lower face.. The procedure is an excellent alternative to surgery and in expert hands, can give dramatic results with small amounts of strategically-placed dermal filler. Aside from creating definition, a chin and jawline fillers can help with the lifting of sagging jowls and a sagging chin. Another benefit is the smoothing of lines and wrinkles effect of HA fillers. The overall result aims to create balance in the face and give you a more angular jaw.

Why do patients have a chin and jawline filler?

Patients who come to The Chelsea Skin Clinic to discuss jawline and chin fillers generally fall into two categories. They feel they have lost definition in their lower face and want to recreate lost angles, or they always felt their jawline and chin was poorly defined and now is the time for them to do something about it. The number of patients in the second group has been increasing over time as more and more patients are becoming aware of the quick and simple nature of the filler procedure. The majority of patients we see aged 40 and above complain about sagging jowls, which is usually age related and due to a decrease in the body’s production of collagen.

Why have your chin and jawline filler procedure at The Chelsea Skin Clinic?

As everybody’s facial structure is different from another, the skilled doctor performing the treatment has to balance your concerns and desires with the overall structure of your face. The shape and prominence of your chin and your cheeks will play a part in what we suggest during consultation. Alteration of these facial features fall under what is known as facial contouring. If you are considering chin and jawline fillers you really need to consult with someone with experience in facial contouring. Someone who can balance your jawline and chin with the rest of your features. Someone with experience as to how your other features may be affected by having lower face filler. Dr Chike has this experience and will be happy to share his wisdom with you during consultation.

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Chin and Jawline Filler Job Benefits

Chin & Jaw Filler FAQs

These are a selection of questions we have been asked in the past. If you do not find the answer you are looking for please get in touch as we will be happy to answer any question you may have regarding this or any of our aesthetic treatments.

How long do chin and jawline fillers last for?

In general, chin and jawline fillers should last for 6-12 months. Some certain types may last a little longer than this. This will depend on various lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol. If you are hoping to help your fillers last longer then refraining from smoking and not drinking much alcohol will help.This is the same for most aesthetic treatments. 

Are chin and jawline fillers reversible?

As with all dermal filler treatments hyaluronic acid is dissolvable if you change your mind. We have not had a patient request this for lower fillers though. 

Are chin and jawline fillers a safe procedure?

Dermal fillers are regarded as a safe treatment. With any treatments there are risks, however, when the dermal filler procedure is performed by a fully experienced and trained professional these risks are minimised. Dr Chike will provide you with information prior to the treatment and also post treatment to ensure you are fully aware and know what to do to minimise risks, such as reducing the chance of infection.

Who will perform the treatment?

Our injectable treatments are performed by Dr. Chike.

How much do chin and jawline fillers cost?

Because every face is different and each individual will have slightly different needs, we will provide you with an accurate cost during your consultation.

How can I be 100% sure chin and jawline fillers are right for me?

The answer is you can’t, without a consultation. It might be the case that jawline fillers are exactly what you need, but after consultation we might suggest a better alternative. We have plenty options of available at The Chelsea Skin Clinic 

Meet Your Aesthetic Doctor

Dr Chiké Emeagi

Dr Chiké Emeagi is an experienced Aesthetic Doctor with Advanced and Masterclass training in Aesthetic Facial Rejuvenation Techniques and Essential Skin Health Therapies.

With his background as a Surgeon and his extensive training in Aesthetic Medicine, he spends his time outside his Clinics training Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists, Doctors and Dentists on the latest evidence-based Aesthetic Techniques.

Ready To Book A Consultation?

Get in touch with the Chelsea Skin Clinic if you would like to book a consultation to see how chin and jawline fillers can help. If you have any questions for us at all, please feel free to ask.